SureView offers fully automatic Fuel-cell Test Equipment with Electronic Loads of Ametek Sorensen. The proprietary software from SureView makes the Fuel cell testing very easy for research scientists as well as skilled labourers. Scripted test routines based on IEC, customised reports, parametric analysis, equipment management and other relevant features in the software sets us apart from the competitors. Our software capabilities have evolved based on our work with scientists & research engineers.
All the parts we use are certified for hydrogen handing. Our solid background in process automation coupled with the best instruments ensure that there is no room for failure - either human or machine. The safety of operators is guaranteed which means there will be no liabilities to your organisation.
- Cell-to-cell as well as stack Voltage (0.4 to 60V DC)
- Current (0 to 200A DC)
- Cell & Stack Temperature

Fuel-cell Test Equipment for Thermax Global

Ametek Electronic Load
Software Features:
Our software is built on 64-bit LabVIEW to support humongous amount of test & measurement data.
Autonomous Mode
Semi-Automatic Mode
Manual Mode
In autonomous mode the user will be able to conduct the test, see various graphs in real-time, monitor process & view alarms by selecting recipe set by the administrator in separate ‘settings module’. There will be no provision for the user to manipulate any parameters. The IEC 62282 or other standards specified by you will be programmed in the software. There will be alarms, interlocks & other standard facilities. The user will not be able to override critical alarms. The user will only select recipe/parameters programmed by the admin.
In Semi-automatic mode the user will be able to set/modify certain parameters during operation while everything else will be as per the administrator’s settings. By default, the admin & supervisor level user will have access.
In Manual mode the administrator level user will be able to set all parameters and override sensors. This will provide for full user control & is recommended for senior scientists. By default, only admin will have access to this mode.
There will be emergency shut-down procedure programmed in the PLC in case of emergency. In case of power failure, the LabVIEW based software will save its ‘state’ so the user can resume after the power resumes.
All your data, test results, recipe, settings etc will be securely stored in SQL data-base. The supervisor (or administrator) will be able to run reports in Microsoft Excel or other formats flexibly.
There will be user management system so admin level user can assign individual usage rights of each & every module to any number of users (limit of 100).
There will be detailed module to program alarms & interlocks. The alarms will trigger notifications for the user to acknowledge. The interlocks will be programmed based on your inputs for operator safety & to avoid system damage.
During the software development stage, we will involve you so as to ensure the system is custom-made exactly as you need.
The software will be thoroughly tested & we will ensure bug-free performance.
The complete data / readings will be logged to a secure SQL Data-base on PC and an application LabVIEW software will be provided.
Some of the key features of the ATE:
· Testing flexibility: Manual, Semi-auto and auto modes of operation
· Multi variable graphs: Monitoring of critical operating parameters
· Real-time trending of cell voltages and temperatures
· Interlocks with critical parameters for fuel cell protection
· Customized, user-friendly test settings; Capability to store parameters and make test recipes
· Multi-level user access with user management
· Dashboard & Test Reports generated using templates of your laboratory in your specified format
· Robust & Secure My SQL Database
Our software supports usage of Mobile Apps for monitoring using the Microsoft Azure cloud.